Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Thanks to all of you who have responded to my last posting--both those who responded via the blog and those who emailed me their preferences.

Here are the results as of October 26:

First-run Movies - 20
Headline News - 14
Internet / Email - 11
News Channels - 8
Sports Channels - 7
On-demand Video & Music - 6
Network TV - 5
Publications You Subscribe To - 3
Recent Movies - 3
Video Games - 3
Books on Tape - 2
Classic Films - 2
Satellite TV - 2
Special-interest Magazines - 2
Catalogs - 1
Newspapers - 1
Popular Magazines - 1
Stock Information - 1
Total = 92 People
Methodology: I began this survey with a single question on September 11, 2006. Visitors to my blog were asked to qualify themselves as air travelers who fly at least one a year. I asked responders to prioritize in order of greatest appeal their top three picks from a list of 18 entertainment options. I'll run this survey until I get 100 qualified replies. Tim


Anonymous said...

I have no preference for any of the choices as I bring my own reading material on my coast to coasts flights which occur approx. 3 times a year.

John katz

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim:

1) e-mail
2) I don't have time to read magazines anymore so a better selection would be great
3)books on tape- great idea!


Anonymous said...

l.Books on tape
3.Headline Newsjavascript:popUp('')
Sign up here.

I feel a good movie is destroyed on those little screens. Also the picture quality is generally awful. I'll wait and see it in a theatre.

Anonymous said...

1. I would like a variety of first run movies offered, domestic and foreign..why not?
2. news channel
3. books on tape, that's a unique idea as long as the flight is long enough for the book to be finished.